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Rotational Rock Tumbler Instructions The most widely recognized kind of rock tumbler is a revolving drum tumbler. It shines shakes by mim...

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Differences and Similitarities between Mozart and Beethovens early and Essay

Differences and Similitarities between Mozart and Beethovens early and late Symphonies - Essay Example Additionally, personal differences, in terms of lifestyles also contributed to the differences in their symphonies. Thus, the following are the differences and Similarities between Mozart and Beethovens early and late Symphonies: Similarities between Mozart and Beethovens early Symphonies Mozart and Beethovens early Symphonies were similar in various ways. First, their early symphonies are characterized by the application of Sonata form, which was the main musical structure that characterized the classical music era (Keefe, 66). The two composers applied Sonata form in almost every of their works, only that it could be combined with other forms of music structure such as the Rondo and the variation forms. The examples that can depict the use of the sonata form in their early works are the Mozart’s K 296 composition and Beethoven’s Piano quartets, also referred to as the WoO 36 (Will, 55). These are some of the earlier compositions by these two musical composers, which d epict the application of sonata form, almost in a very identical way. The application of sonata form as a musical structure by the two composers in these two earlier works is depicted by the division of the compositions into three sections. Both the K-296 symphony, which was composed in 1781 by Mozart and the WoO36 Piano quartet’s symphony, which was composed by Beethoven before 1792, displays the classification of the composition into the exposition, a development and a recapitulation sections (Will, 44). These symphonies entail the presentation of a transition, from how the tonal material of the compositions are organized in harmony at the exposition section, then developed into elaboration and contrast at the development section, and finally harmonized and resolved to create a harmoniously integrated rhythm at the recapitulation section (Keefe, 68). This musical structure starts with a harmonized and simplified tonal stability at the exposition section, then enters the dev elopment section where more tension is build, and complex tonal textures, far-ranging key changes and highly agitated rhythms are developed, to create the climax of the musical composition at the development section, and finally enters the recapitulation section, where the tension and tonal complexity is reduced, resulting to a cool harmonious finishing rhythm (Will, 41). These are the major characteristics of Mozart’s K 296 composition and Beethoven’s Piano quartets, which are some of their earlier works. Differences between Mozart and Beethovens early Symphonies There are notable differences between Mozart’s and Beethoven’s early symphonies. The difference emanates from the fact that while Mozart was a musical composer of his own making, Beethoven’s musical composition were a hybrid of Mozart’s and other artists’ style. In developing his symphonies, Beethoven was particularly influenced by Mozart on one hand and Joseph Haydn on the other (Keefe, 72). Therefore, he combined their musical composition styles to create a hybrid, which he then gave his own personality. This led to a development of a unique stylistic composition that was different from those of his influencers. Therefore, Mozart’s and Beethoven’s early symphonies were different in that, while Mozart observed musical rules and played within the confines of harmony and smooth transition of keys and rhythm, Beethoven adapted the style of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Compare and contrast two quarterbacks in the NFL Essay

Compare and contrast two quarterbacks in the NFL - Essay Example ared to Peyton Manning because of his Super Bowl experience, because of his team’s better stats against Manning’s stats and because of his better playing stats when they are up against each other. Supper Bowl is a major event for any player of the NFL and representing a team during this event is the single most important predictor of how well a particular player is. In case of the Brady versus Manning debate, Brady has undoubtedly won the debate. This is because he has secured two more rings of the Super Bowl as compared to Manning (Dlouhy 1). Brady has been successful in leading his team in more Super Bowls as compared to his competitor Manning. Brady is credited for leading his team five times during the Super Bowl in a total career of 12 seasons deducting seasons he was injured and during the time when he was recognized just a rookie (Dlouhy 1). On the other hand Manning had been able to lead his team in the event for only three times during a total career of 15 seasons (Dlouhy 1). A real comparison between the two QBs takes place when they are head to head against each other in a football game. A comparison of the stats of the matches in which Brady’s team Patriots and Manning’s team Colts have been against each other clearly indicates that Brady and his team is better than Manning and his team. A total of 14 matches have been played against both teams in which Brady and Manning headed their offensive sides and out of these 14 matches a total of 10 were won by Brady and his team (Riccobono 1). A comparison of the wins between the two teams under the leadership of these two great QBs may provide a misleading image, but it is true that Brady is statistically better than Manning when they play against each other. In the 14 games in which both the QBs and the teams have competed against each other, Brady has been able to score better stats with 6% higher completion rate and 3 more touchdowns as compared to Manning’s touchdowns (Shuster 1). Tom Brady

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Social Inclusion Of Adults With Learning Disabilities Social Work Essay

Social Inclusion Of Adults With Learning Disabilities Social Work Essay I am a student of the HNC in Social Care and I work with an organisation that promotes social inclusion of Adults with Learning Disabilities with social support through group work and one to one befriending. Throughout this paper I shall also refer to our service participant as Dan and our service as the Group. This is not the real name of our client or our group. By doing this I am complying with our organisations policy of confidentiality. This policy was designed to conform to the (ref 1) Data Protection Act of 1998. This Act ensures client confidentiality, that any information written about a client is accurate, truthful and any opinions are objective, substantiated by factual evidence. The Act also allows the individual to make a formal application to see the information held on them by the Group. To complete this piece of work I have assessed Dan`s needs and planned out a piece of work which has addressed an identified need. I read his existing activity plan as a starting point as it had his medical information included, this allowed me to update the information at Dan`s assessment. This first assessment had been done by my manager a few months ago and so I discussed Dan`s case with her before I met with him. Our activity plans are flexible allowing for the changing needs of our clients. The task undertaken also complied with our organisations constitution which concentrates on social inclusion of adults with learning disabilities. The assessment of needs is the first stage in the care planning process. Our organisation takes a person centred planning approach. A person centred care plan is devised to empower people, to support their social inclusion, and to ensure people are not devalued within society. It was necessary for me to listen to what my client needed, to differentiate his needs from his wants and to ensure that I could take action to deliver a positive outcome. A need is something he has to have as opposed to a want which is something he would like to have. Assessing a person for needs is the method of collecting information, recording the information and interpreting the information. The assessment took place at our office just after his one to one art session as he was comfortable and felt safe here. Under (Ref 2) the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 Dan has a right to feel safe and secure. I did a Risk Assessment of our areas which complied with the (Ref 3)Health and Safety at work Act 1974. It was important for me to continue gaining his trust and use good communication skills. I used the SOLER technique which had us both sitting squarely facing one another showing that I was being involved, I had an open posture implying that I was non defensive, I leaned forward slightly showing a personal interest, I had regular eye contact also conveying an interest in Dan and I had a relaxed manner. I used active listening which involved me trying to understand the real issues affecting Dan and had a meaningful conversation with him. Our meeting was timed to last no longer than twenty minutes as his attention span can be short if he is bored. I ensured that board maker signs and visual aids where available, to direct his attention if he did get bored. I used both open and closed questions which allowed me to get factual answers from the closed questions and his opinions and feelings from open questions. I observed his behaviour at all times and I spoke to him in a way he understood. I wrote the information collected in a concise manner in the form stated in our organisations policy and procedures. As we do not supply a care service, we are not required to register with the Care Commission, but we ensure all our policies and procedures meet their standards. As all clients under these standards are legally allowed an assessment of needs and an individualised care plan, the form I used was called the Activity Plan. The Care commission was set up under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001. This Act came about to regulate the care and social work force and set out the principals of good care practice. During our meeting I was conscious that I had to explain the care planning process to Dan, and I used the visual aids when necessary. Dan was born in 1949 into a society that had introduced the IQ test in 1930, whereby those scoring low had been considered mentally defective. By 1946 and the introduction of the NHS, this term was changed to mentally handicapped and so required treatment in institutions. Dan was considered as being in this category. There is no generally acknowledged definition of a learning disability and there is a continued argument of the definition. However, there are certain features that are agreed upon. Those with a learning disability have difficulties with educational success and growth. An uneven pattern of their human development is noticeable i.e. physical, perceptual, educational and language developments..(Ref 4) The (Ref5)NHS and Community Care Act of 1990 implemented in 1993 and (Ref6)the Human Rights Act of 1998., saw the closure of these institutions. This saw the movement of adults with learning disabilities out of institutions into being cared for in the community, either by their own families or in small supported housing being cared for by the voluntary sector. The Same as You strategy of 2000(Ref 7) by the Scottish executive is committed to providing fairness, equality and social inclusion for adults with learning disabilities. As a result of this strategy the local community set up the Group to provide socialisation to help with social inclusion of adults with learning disabilities through one to one befriending and group activities. Dan lived within a nuclear family unit where he was given the basic human requirements of food, shelter, clothing, love and socialisation to live until the age of 6. He was born into a society where it was common for young children with learning disabilities especially those with Downs Syndrome to be institutionalised. There was also a social stigma assigned to those with learning and physical disabilities. Dans family insisted in caring for him at home until school age, but his educational needs where not met. He also suffers from anxiety attacks which his father says he developed at the age if six, when taken into the car for the first time. He reacted by lashing out and pulling hair. The anxiety attacks were given by his father as an excuse for Dan`s disruptive behaviour. His behaviour was tempered by his mother, who had to be consistently by his side cuddling him and holding his hand during his anxious moments. His parents did everything for him, until he was institutionalised. Here, he grew up where privacy, choice, dignity where lacking and he was not allowed to take risks. Life skills, education and road work where not given. More often than not in the past, these patients where drugged if they showed any signs of disruptive behaviour. Being locked up living in Nightingale wards with communal living and toilets may have also contributed to his anxiety attacks. These anxiety attacks still causes Dan to behave in a challenging manner if he feels hemmed in, especially in crowded places with no obvious means of escape. After 1995, when government strategies of closing large institutions were implemented through the(Ref8) Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and its amendments of 2003 Dan was given a home within supported accommodation as his father was elderly. Dan did not like to go out unless his father was with him and tended not to interact with anyone when introduced. His anxiety attacks causes him to be agitated when his routines change. He finds it difficult to make choices unless they are limited and is not keen on trying anything new. He is unable to read or write, he has no life skills e.g unable to make a cup of tea, make a slice of toast, shop or clean his home, he is unable to cross the road without help. The physical developmental stage Dan has reached is that of an adult but the emotional stage is that of childhood between 2-12 years of age, probably nearer the age of seven or eight. He has been living out with the large institution for six years now but has not learned to change his behaviour accordingly. This may be as a result of being told by his support workers that he cannot do certain things as they deem certain activities to be a risk. Staffing problems also contribute to the lack of his change in behaviour as time constraints in helping Dan learn new skills are often given as an excuse for staff not being able to assist Dan attempt new things. So, I believe he is still institutionalised although he lives in smaller community shared accommodation. He was given no choice as to where he would live, who he would be sharing with or who would be supporting him. With the help of his family, before being institutionalised he was able to meet the bottom three stages as seen in Maslow`s hierarchy of needs pyramid. (Ref9) Abraham Maslow was a humanist psychologist who developed this model between the 1940s and 1950`s. He stated that human needs can be arranged in a step ladder pyramid and that the lower level needs must be satisfied before higher levels can be met. This model consisted of eight stages. He stated that we are all motivated by need as evolved over thousands of years. He stated that we must satisfy these needs in turn, starting with the first. The first need is the physiological need which is e.g having food, oxygen, water, etc, the needs to allow our bodies to survive. The second need is that of physiological and physical security, whereby there is protection from possible hazardous circumstances and objects. The third need is belonging and love, which is being part of a group of family and friends in a loving situation with trust acceptance and affection. The fourth need is esteem which is respect of self and others. The fifth need is self actualisation which is realising personal potential. The fifth need is Cognitive needs with knowledge and understanding. The sixth need is Aesthetic needs which is the appreciation of symmetry, beauty, order and form. The seventh need is self- actulisation which is realising ones full potential and the eighth need is transcendence which is helping others to fulfil their potential. Dan, as functionalist sociologist (Ref10) Talcott Parsons (1902-1979) argued, will have gained his primary socialisation and emotional stability within a nuclear family of two parents, a mother and father, plus his siblings. Primary socialisation can be defined as a means by which the norms and values of society are taught to children and they learn to accept these values within the family. The functionalist sociologists believe that society can be compared to a living body, with different organs (institutions) having different functions yet all working together to keep the body (society) alive.They consider the family to be a small version of society which operates as a social, economic and emotional unit. The conflict theorist believe that society is separated into two classes, with the bourgeoisie and the proletariat who are at odds with one another. The family, conflict theorists state is just another social institutions which contribute to the acceptance of social inequality. Every member takes difference roles at certain times in the family life cycle and conflict happens within the family when a person challenges those roles, e.g teenagers challenging parental authority. Dan lived in an institution from the age of six so his secondary socialisation was to learn to live within the confines of the institution. This socialisation would have been radically different from a family situation. (ref11) Research showed that concerns grew about the care given by institutions quality of care provided by these institutions in terms of gross physical deprivation (overcrowding, poor food, clothing and environment), abuse (ill-treatment, theft of possessions and over-use of medication and restraint) and neglect and inactivity (lack of care, lack of contact and stimulation and extensive periods of disengagement and isolation staff and client interaction and engagement in meaningful activities would have been poor . As a result, no chances where available to allow Dan to move to the next level of Maslows Pyramid of Needs of self esteem. (Ref 12) Dan was the youngest member of the family and so according to Alfred Adler this would have affected the type of personality that he would develop later on in life. The youngest are known to get their own way and to have a stronger parent bond, which Dan did Have as he was overprotected and indulged before hospitalisation. But, this cocooning can also be claustrophobic. But, by being institutionalised, according to Erikson, his environment would also have affected Dan`s development and have had an impact on his behaviour . The behaviour Dan often displays can be explained by the behaviourist theory, which was named (Ref 13)Learned Helplessness. While experimenting on dogs using Pavlov`s theory of Classical Conditioning, which shows links between the stimulus and the response. Seligman discovered that learned behaviour is a results of the belief that the person`s actions are futile. People who have lived in Institutions have learned not to expect to have any control over their lives. Behaviourist theorists believe that if behaviour is learned, then it can be unlearned. Lev Vygotsky and Russian cognitive psychologist believed that development was guided by culture and interpersonal communication with significant adults. Being institutionalised will have reduced Dan`s chances of having regular important communication with a significant adult. Vygotsky stated that to learn a range of tasks that are too difficult on their own, a child must be shown or guided by someone who is more knowledgeable. This became known as the Zone of proximal development. This assumes that the child has the ability to memorise and the capacity to recall the learned experience. This is not always possible in some with a learning disability. In the care setting where Dan spent his life, the chances of a child being challenged to learn new skills would have been diminished or non- existent. Vygotsky was the first to observe that social isolation caused a delay in both social and cognitive development. The anxiety attacks Dan suffers from can also be explained via Operant Conditioning suggested by B.F.Skinner (1953). Operant Conditioning is where behaviour is followed by a consequence. His behaviour of lashing out when he is anxious is a result of positive reinforcement where initially this bad behaviour was rewarded by receiving physical and emotional contact from his mother before institutionalisation and later attention from nursing staff in the institution. Positive reinforcement is where the consequence is a positive outcome. Now, Dan`s support staff try to ensure that Dan does not come into a situation that may make him anxious. After the death of his elderly mother Dan relied totally on his elderly father for any continued socialisation, as his siblings had long left home to set up their own family life. (stats to be put in) His father feared Dan would become isolated, especially as his father was becoming less able to take Dan out. Dan was introduced to join the Group by his father in an attempt to introduce him to new friends, increase his confidence and improve his self esteem. His time at the group has seen his confidence increase. After moving out into the community, Dan was rather introverted and shy and would only go out in the company of his father. This concerned his ninety year old father greatly, and so his father came to our organisation in the hope that we could increase Dan`s social circle. Dan was assessed by being asked a number of questions using PIES to establish what his Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social needs were. This information was put into his activity plan which we use instead of a Care Plan. As under the NHS and Community Care (Scotland) Act 1990 everyone is entitled to a care plan. Dan will have such a plan set up by the social work department. To increase his social circle as requested by his father, we included him in a number of activities which has expanded his scope of social activity and made him less isolated. Dan`s physical needs are met by social services, but his intellectual needs of mental stimulation, his emotional needs of needing to increase his self esteem and his social needs of social interaction require attention. Dan has already improved his social skills through art by now communicating well with our staff and is keen to take his work home to show to his family and carers. His father has commented on how the communication skills of Dan have improved and his confidence has increased. Remembering Maslow`s Hierarchy of Needs, I had assessed that Dan would benefit from reaching the fourth stage Esteem Needs. I felt an activity that would help to improve his confidence, his communication skills and make him less anxious in a large group situation would be beneficial. I spoke to him and observed him answer my questions .One of my questions gave him a choice of activities to try, I found that the activity he was most interested in was art. I mentor both at the art group and on an individual basis, which helps adults with learning disabilities gain new skills, gain confidence, improve self esteem, socialisation and self actualisation through creativity. Carl Gustav Jung a Swiss psychiatrist B.1875 to D. 1961 encouraged patients to use art to convey their unconscious emotions. He stated that (Ref14) drawing, painting, and modeling can be used to bring unconscious material to light. Once a series has become dramatic, it can easily pass over into the auditive or linguistic sphere and give rise to dialogues and the like. (1941) My aim was to try to put coping mechanisms in place to allow him to be able to take part in the graded unit activity which was to allow him to create a work of art and to exhibit at our Malawi Awareness Evening, which we expected to be busy. This activity is to take place some weeks away so it was important for me to arrange new art activities over a period of time, to allow him to gain confidence in being part of a large group. My goal through these activities was to allow Dan the chance to increase his confidence and communication skills and to develop coping mechanisms to allow him to deal with his fear of large groups. I have used the (Ref 7) task-centred model in planning this exercise; this is a short-term problem solving approach over a short period. This had five phases- Problem Identification (assessment), Agreement, Planning goals, Achieving Tasks and Evaluation. Here, the client takes concrete action to solve the problem. The Initial interview or phase allowed Dan to express his need to have more confidence when in a room with more people in order to be able to enjoy more activities. He wanted to complete a painting and to be present at its exhibition. To achieve these goals, we agreed on the steps and tasks t hat allowed Dan to attain his goal. We emphasised the tasks that were required to be completed to allow Dan to exhibit his work of art and agree on timescales for the tasks. Other interviews will took place to ensure that we were on track and that Dan felt safe and confident doing the agreed tasks. With Dan`s agreement we decided to have an hourly one to one befriending art session of three one hour sessions per week over four weeks and to increase these sessions to become a group session. To do this I needed to slowly introduce more and more people to the group. These were other service users, staff and volunteers. With agreement of everyone involved I brought people in one at a time each session. I did this by giving each individual a date and time to join us at the Group premises. I hoped that by the end of the four weeks he would be able to sit in a room happily with at least twelve noisy people. He had to have a positive experience and to have a positive association with the group. Dan enjoyed a regular cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit, so I introduced this positive experience to him in the group setting while he was painting. I ensured he sat facing the door and informed him that he was able to leave the room at any time. I sat him at the end of the table to ensure that he did not feel hemmed in.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Scopes Monkey Trial :: John Scopes

Scopes Monkey Trial Perhaps one of the most famous trials in our history was that of the John Scopes. Scopes was a high school teacher in Dayton, Tennessee and was arrested because he was teaching the theory of evolution in his high school biology class. During the 1920's it was against the law in Tennessee to teach anything other than the theory of creation as written in the Bible. These laws were a result of a strong fundamentalist movements spreading throughout the United States. In 1925 the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) volunteered to defend any teacher willing to challenge these laws concerning the teaching of evolution. John Scopes agreed to their challenge, and after teaching Darwin's theory of evolution Scopes arrest duly followed. The trial began on July 10, 1925. The prosecution consisted of Thomas Stewart, the Attorney General of Tennessee who was assisted by a famous politician and orator Williams Jennings Bryan. The defense team put together by the ACLU consisted of Clarence Darrow, Dudley Field Malone, and Arthur Hayes. Judge John F. Raulston presided over the trial. The Scopes Trial became known as the "Monkey Trial" because most people believed that evolution dealt with the theory that humans descended from monkeys. The whole trial was widely publicized and made the little town of Dayton, Tennessee a booming city. Journalists and photographers poured into the little town and the "monkey trial" became an instant sensation! Most of the coverage focused on the heated debate between Darrow and Bryan on the issue strict interpretation of the Bible. The issue had become more than just what was taught in high school curriculum but became an attack on the whole fundamentalism movement.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Differences in Programming Language

  Answer: The significance of the programming knowledge for the company is very great since the correct choice will ensure proper connectivity, accessibility, ease of maintenance and the complexity of the software (Vine, 2005). Certain broad requirements can be obtained from the transcript of the conversation between Hugh McBride of McBride Financial Services and Abram LaBelle of Smith Systems Consulting who discussed the computer network needed for McBride’s planned offices. By programming language, we mean the set of instructions that are written and called a program and the computer processor carries out the instructions. The significance of the programming is felt on the development and maintenance cost, ease of use, easy availability of the application from different points, speed of access, features that can be provided in the application.A programming language such as Visual Basic is quite easy to learn and implement but the language does not allows for complex comput ations such as forecasting, gathering information, creating reports, etc. To perform complex operations, algorithms would have to be used and programming languages such as C++, C#, and others are very much suited. But the cost of development and maintenance would be significantly higher. These languages are called as OOPS – Object Oriented Programming Languages and they write the code around the data that has to be processed. In a majority of the cases, OOPS applications run on dedicated Intranets or WANs.The other set of programming languages are the web based languages such as Java, .NET, HTML, PHP, etc. These languages allow the application to be web based and the software used is usually freely downloadable. Another set of programming languages are centred around Unix and Linux operating systems. These are usually open source but very complex and requires a dedicated teams of developers and maintenance personnel (O'Brien, et all, 2005).2. Differences in Web Based and WANà ¢â‚¬â„¢s programming languages.Answer: There are two broad requirements, one is the website that customers, sales staff and brokers would be using and the other is the backend application that the staff would be using to complete their accounting and other tasks. The first possibilities is having a WAN that will have dedicated terminals, which can be placed in all the required areas. The terminal will be directly connected to a central server and since it is dedicated, only the Intranet of McBride Financial Services can be accessed. This kind of a system can be seen in ATMs’ and would require the application to be written in C++, have the user interface written in Delphi or other front end languages.The system would be connected to a powerful database that would be able to handle hundreds of connection requests. Systems written in C++ are very stable, crashing of the system is very rare, system response is very fast and most important since it is a dedicated Intranet, hacking is not possible and can be immediately detected. But the development cost of such systems is huge, it becomes very complex, in house software programmers are required and software programming is not a core business area of McBride Financial Services. Another alternative is to have a web based system that is written in Java or .NET. These systems also requires expensive programming but after the software is implemented, it can be easily maintained by lesser expensive teams who are not skilled enough for programming but can set right small bugs and maintain the database.The case also requires a powerful database into which information can be uploaded and downloaded as required. In both possibilities, the database would remain same and only the call procedures would be different. Since security is a major concern, very strict authentication should be forced. For each connection request, the IP number of the computer should be verified and this can be done through web-based languages. Cookies should not be stored in the client computer and this prevents the possibility of another person getting information from public computers (Turban, et all, 2002).  3. Recommendation for the applicationAnswer: A web-based system is recommended since such a system can be accessed from anywhere in the world. A system written in Java or .NET can be implemented. Such programming languages can be easily maintained and less expensive and the work of maintenance can be outsourced as per the standard industry practice where back office operations are outsourced to reliable parties at lower costs. The database can be either Oracle or IBM WebSphere since both have connectivity to the Internet and are web servers. Such servers have the optimum speed and there are lesser instances of slow speeds. Customers can access the application from cyber cafes, K Mart and other department stores and view the choices for financial plans.An online calculator can be provided that will calculate the a mount, premium, interest rates, etc. and customers can also provide their personal information. By using 128 bit encryption for authentication as used by PayPal, the chances of hackers getting into the system are very remote and this system can be stored in a central server. Employees will log into another server which will fetch data from the customers server and carry out their tasks. A robust gateway can be provided between the two servers and this further reduces hacking possibilities.To prevent the chances of crashes and data loss, it is recommended that day to day records be cached in mirror servers and this data can be written either dynamically or once in 12 hours. In the case of system crashes, data can be recovered from the mirror servers. To further prevent data loss, tape backups can be taken periodically and stored in Storage Area Networks. By providing such a system, customers and even staff can access the system from anywhere and use secure login and authentication. I f there is an unusually high suspicious activity in the network, then this can be seen as a hacking attempt and the system can be stopped either manually or through programs. Web based application will ensure that all the requirements are met (Olson, 2006).   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Jonathan Swift Contrast

Thesis statement: In the satire â€Å"A Modest Proposal,† Jonathan Swift addresses a problem that is extremely serious on a grand scale and uses a somber tone to present his solution; however, in the parody â€Å"An Innocent Proposal,† Benjamen Pewitt refers to a less significant concern and his plan to fix it is meant to be hilarious. I. Problem A. Swift B. Pewitt II. Solution A. Swift B. Pewitt Most people have watched and probably laughed at the television series South Park or the movie Spaceballs. These are two great examples of satire and a parody.Satires and parodies are created in all kinds of formats from movies and television shows to music, books, and plays. One of their main purposes is to entertain the audience, and most of the time they are extremely humorous. But they are also created for very specific reasons. For example, the Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines satire as â€Å"a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn . † An example is in an episode of South Park when Stan’s girlfriend breaks up with him because his Facebook status is single. This makes fun of America’s obsession with Facebook.As further noted by Merriam-Webster a parody is â€Å"A literary or musical work in which the style of the author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule. † Spaceballs is a great representation of this definition because it mocks Star Wars, and the entire plot for the movie is based on Star Wars. In the satire â€Å"A Modest Proposal† Jonathan Swift addresses a problem that is extremely serious on a grand scale and uses a somber tone to present his solution; however, in the parody â€Å"An Innocent Proposal† Benjamen Pewitt refers to a less significant concern, and his plan to fix it is meant to be hilarious.Swift’s home country, Ireland, is in a dire state of need, and they are becoming desperate. People’s lives are at stake if sign ificant obstacles are not soon overcome. Jane E. Aaron, the author of the textbook 40 Model Essays, best summarizes the situation by writing, â€Å"Several years of crop failures had resulted in widespread starvation among the Irish poor, yet the government of England†¦and the well-to-do Irish had done nothing to help† (356). This reveals the causes of this disaster. Swift illustrates the severity of the problem when he states, â€Å"It is a melancholy object to . . see the streets, roads, and cabin doors, crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags and importuning every passenger for an alms† (357). This really paints a picture of how disgusting the streets of Ireland are becoming. Swift talks about how this is ruining the future of Ireland when he says these poor children of Ireland grow up, and they â€Å"either turn thieves for want of work, or leave their dear native country to fight for the Pretender in Spai n, or sell themselves to the Barbados† (357).Therefore, if this tragedy in Ireland is not soon fixed, then the Irish society may collapse. In contrast, Pewitt writes about a minor problem occurring in high schools everywhere, which is the public display of affection. In a truly accurate assessment, Pewitt points out, â€Å"It is definitely a disgusting sight to see a person pinned to the wall and has become a distraction to both the participant and the innocent passerby† (45). It is indeed highly painful to watch this happen, but nowhere near as hurtful to see women and children stealing and â€Å"begging† for food in the â€Å"streets of Ireland. Public display of affection is just one of many small disciplinary hurdles for high schools to overcome, on the other hand the obstacle in Ireland is the main concern for the future of the entire country. Another statement that demonstrates the level of difference between the two problems is when Pewitt opens his essay by insisting â€Å"High school administrators, react now and save many minutes of valuable time and reduce your stress level tremendously† (45). Pewitt is concerned with teacher’s free time and â€Å"stress level,† however Swift is trying to save the entire country of Ireland from â€Å"widespread starvation.Although public display of affection is not a very pleasant sight to see and is a growing concern in High Schools, it is not nearly a disaster to the same magnitude as a collapsing society. The solution given by Swift in his essay is intended to be taken very seriously. Even though it is not realistic, he uses a very somber tone as he reveals it. His proposal is for his country to actually use the babies in â€Å"rags† that are burdens on their mothers to â€Å"contribute to the feeding, and partly to the clothing, of many thousands. This way the mothers will have fewer expenses to worry about, and they can actually make extra money by selling thei r babies for lots of value if they are properly fed for nutritional purposes. Also the whole country would benefit because these babies would help feed many more people since crops are not producing enough. He presents this outrageous claim in such a serious manner in order to get people’s attention, and to show them how desperately they need an answer. He implies they might as well start killing babies if any type of effort is not put forth to help, otherwise people are going to keep dying anyway if nothing else is done.His somber tone is crucial in his attempt to make the audience aware of the intensity of this tragedy and convince them that action needs to take place soon. On the contrary, the plan asserted by Pewitt seems meaningless therefore is intended more for entertainment. There is no real threat the public display of affection really poses, and it is something that will continue to happen in future no matter what is done. In other words, Pewitt is mocking the work of Swift, and is simply trying to get a good laugh from his audience.His solution to the public display of affection is an â€Å"easily accessible fornication grotto. † He explains the â€Å"grotto† will include â€Å"soft beds and couches, and some very low Barry White music to set the mood†(45) and even a â€Å"professional advisor† to help coach. This shows how sarcastic Pewitt really gets in the humorous tone he uses. In summary, Swift is genuinely trying to fix a problem which may produce severe consequences by suggesting a ridiculous solution to get people’s attention, and Pewitt parodies his work by sarcastically suggesting the most hilarious plan imaginable.Swift and Pewitt use two totally different approaches to answering two totally different problems, and they do this for two completely different reasons. Swift attempts to save the country of Ireland with the use of satire. He writes in a somber tone and offers his unrealistic plan of ea ting babies to get people’s attention and open their eyes to how dire the situation is becoming. This outrageous idea Swift has came up with serves as â€Å"ridicule† toward the Irish people for not taking any action.He is telling them if they are not going to think of something they might as well resort to his plan, because people are dying anyway. Pewitt, on the other hand, presents his â€Å"fornication grotto† as a sarcastically ridiculous answer for public display of affection as a parody to the work of Swift. Although, his concern is meaningless in contrast to Swift’s, and this is why his tone is not to be taken seriously. Swift’s satire was written for an extremely important cause, and all Pewitt wants in his parody is a good laugh.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

One Trip, Ten Opportunities

One Trip, Ten Opportunities My first press trip seemed glamorous – delicious food, eco-hotels, unique sights. Less glamorous, however, was my office when I returned – overflowing emails, unfinished queries, pressing deadlines. It didnt take long to finish the one article I wrote from that press trip, but it took more than a week to finish the neglected work; in the meantime my income dipped while I played catch up. 1. Your Assignment: Before you start extra pieces from a press trip, dont neglect the one piece youre expected to do. No matter how much inspiration you may have, it is vital to do your best work on the piece you know youll sell. 2. Airline Magazines: Airline magazines, found in every seat pocket, always seek new material that covers destinations along their routes. What better way to know youre covering a suitable destination than to cover the same location as your press trip? 3. Restaurant Reviews: Press guests are often treated to delicious meals at local specialty restaurants. Take careful notes of the menu, ambiance, and price ranges, and you can submit a review to local newspapers, regional magazines, or larger markets interested in niche restaurants. 4. Hotel Reviews: If your press trip includes accommodations in boutique hotels, bed-and-breakfast inns, or other unique places to stay, take notes to create reviews just as you do for local restaurants. Explore the hotel, poke into the fitness center, check out the pool, and sample any breakfast offerings, and youll be able to create an intimate article about the property. 5. Events: Even if your trip is a general visit, you can easily pick up brochures and community magazines covering festivals, concerts, fairs, theater productions, and more. Putting those details into a round up about the areas special events can give you another piece to sell to magazines or newspapers. 6. Culture: Most press trips include local guides or drivers who are an ideal resource for cultural insights into community quirks. Ask about unusual things you see, favorite hangouts, local history, language dialects, or other unique topics that can be turned into additional articles. 7. Trip Experiences: A press trip is filled with activities – Ive gone kayaking, visited museums, toured a coffee plantation and more – and each one can be a different article. Tips for first-time kayakers, museum etiquette, how coffee grows – each topic can bring a different paycheck. 8. Networking: While the professional connections you make may not lead immediately to more work, each new contact with an editor, photographer, or writer can connect to additional markets and expertise. Follow up with a nice to have met you note after the trip to remain memorable. 9. General Tips: Instead of narrowing your focus for more articles from the same trip, broaden your reach. General tips for first-time travelers to different destinations are hot topics for travel magazines and websites. 10. Recycling: Even if all you write is one article, that article can bring in ten paychecks if you sell it repeatedly. Clever rewriting can target one article for different, non-competing markets, lining up paycheck after paycheck for the same work. After each press trip I may still come home to extra emails and work to catch up on, but when I also come home with ten new ideas and opportunities for more writing, Ive never again come home to a dip in income that can tarnish the great fun the trip has been.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Baryons essays

Baryons essays All particles can be classified into two broad categories: leptons and hadrons. The main difference between the two is whether they interact through the strong interaction. Hadrons are particles that interact through all four fundamental interactions of nature, which include, strong, electromagnetic, weak, and gravitational interactions. Hadrons, the strongly interacting particles, can be further subdivided into two classes based on their internal composition: mesons and baryons. Originally, mesons and baryons were classified according to their masses. Baryons were heavier than mesons, and both were heavier than leptons. Today mesons and baryons are distinguished by their internal structure. Baryons have masses greater than the proton mass. All hadrons are composed of two or three fundamental particles, which came to be known as quarks. A quark is always combined with one or two other quarks. According to the original model proposed by Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig in 1963, there were three types of quarks indicated by the symbols u, d, and s. These were given the arbitrary names up, down, and sideways (now referred to as strange). Associated with each quark is an anti-quark, which are the antimatter equivalents of quarks, opposite in electric charge. Later evidence allowed theorists to propose the existence of several more quarks: charm(c), top (t), and bottom (b). These six quarks species are paired with their flavors: up and down, top and bottom, and charm and strange. A baryon is a "heavy" subatomic particle having strong interactions (a hadron) which either is a nucleon or can transform or decays into a final state of stable particles including a single nucleon plus eventually some additional electrons, photons, neutrinos and/or nucleon-anti-nucleon pairs. This definition is only suitable if the quality characterizing a baryon is conserved in all involved reactions or decays and this ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

TOEIC Scores by Age, Gender, Country, and Education

TOEIC Scores by Age, Gender, Country, and Education If youve taken the TOEIC Listening and Reading exam, then you know that it can be difficult to ascertain how well youve done on the test. Even though many businesses and institutions have minimum TOEIC scores or proficiency levels for hiring, the levels may be quite different from another institutions base requirements. So, where do you stand with the scores youve earned? How do your scores compare with the scores of others who have taken the test? Here are the average TOEIC scores by a number of different factors: age, gender, country of birth, and education level.   Average TOEIC Scores by Country of Birth The first numbers after the countries are the mean or average TOEIC scores for the Listening Test. The second numbers are the mean or average TOEIC scores for the Reading Test. Remember that the highest possible score achievable on each exam is a 495 and anything over 450 is generally considered excellent with no real weaknesses in the language by the makers of the test, ETS.   ALBANIA 208   168  ALGERIA 344   299  ARGENTINA 368   340   BELGIUM 393   362BRAZIL 334   303  CAMEROON 322   282CANADA 432   393CHILE 257   218  CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC 350   322COLOMBIA 343   304  COSTA RICA 378 326COTE DIVOIRE (IVORY COAST) 324 297  CZECH REPUBLIC 398 362  EGYPT 218 177  FRANCE 377   342  GERMANY 425   362  GREECE 321 247  HONG KONG 297 235  INDIA 408   361  INDONESIA 234 188ITALY 371   355  JAPAN 284   228KOREA (ROK) 351   295LEBANON 409   354MACAO 258 191MALAYSIA 362   294  MONGOLIA 247 189MOROCCO 375   324   PAKISTAN 299 227PERU 307 279  PHILIPPINES 384   325  POLAND 315   243  PORTUGAL 404   362  REUNION 352   318  RUSSIA 359   308  SENEGAL 344   298SLOVAKIA 358 317  SPAIN 345   335  TAIWAN 294   242  THAILAND 274 207  TUNISIA 374   334  TURKEY 355 299  Ã‚  UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 298   183  VIETNAM 249   229  Ã‚  Ã‚   Average TOEIC Scores by Age It appears as though the 26-30-year-olds have the highest average TOEIC scores in this set of statistics, even though they accounted for only17.6% of testers. Check it out: Age Average Listening Score Average Reading Score under 20 276 215 21-25 328 274 26-30 339 285 31-35 320 270 36-40 305 258 41-45 293 246 over 45 288 241 Average TOEIC Scores by Gender Just 44.1% of test-takers were female, compared to the 55.9% of testers who were male. On average, women outscored men on both the Listening and Reading tests.   Female Listening Score Average: 327Female Reading Score Average: 266Male Listening Score Average: 304Female Reading Score Average: 255 Average TOEIC Scores by Level of Education More than half (56.5%) of the test-takers sitting for the TOEIC exam were in college, attempting to earn their undergraduate degree at a four-year university. Here are the statistics, based on the levels of education of the testers. Again, the first score is for the Listening exam and the second is for the Reading portion. Graduate school: 351   310Undergraduate college:   338   285Junior high school: 284 214High school:  276   212Elementary school: 265   220Community college:  Ã‚  268   210Language institution:   268 194 Vocational school after high school:  258   193Vocational school:   236   169 TOEIC LISTENING PRACTICE

Saturday, October 19, 2019

EasyJet Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

EasyJet Strategic Management - Essay Example Easyjet has focused on the strategy of being safe and sustainable, in which is a strategy to fulfil the means of the airline staying afloat through all conditions and circumstances that the economy may go through (Easyjet plc, 2011). With this in mind, the company has seen the successful implementation of safety measures, where the company focuses on the wellbeing of the clients and the efficiency of their services to meet the needs and demands of their clients. In addition, the safety applies to the services they provide, where the record they have is one to be envied following a small number of incidences. Though the incidents do not leave a lot to be desired, they have shaped the airline, especially considering its low-cost flights that it offers to clients. With this in mind, their low-cost strategy also calls for sustainability so that the airline becomes a market leader, which has been achieved by a number of things. This is one by having partnerships with other companies to pr ovide towards some of its needs, which include marketing and fuel issues (Parsons, 2011). This can be evidenced by the joining of the airline in Visiting Britain’s marketing partnership, where it seeks to capture a larger market bases as opposed to the one it captured by working on its own marketing strategies, and the sustainability plans focus on generating revenues and expansions that can continue to be there for a long time to come (Johnson, 2011). As such, the sustainability of the revenues and abilities of the company are the main strategies in place to drive the company to a new level and maintain its notch at the top. In addition, the company applies the strategy of keeping the customer first, which couples with the safety and sustainability strategy, in which case the customer takes priority of operations. This is evidenced by the footprint of the airline across Europe where there is a strong presence of the airline going all over Europe, which is the main focus of t he airline. As such, the airline focuses on the clients in that the footprints are a representation of the company’s clients and their destinations. This is coupled with the improvement of the customer’s experience, where in spite of suffering staffing shortages, there have been improved services to attract more customers and meet their travel needs as they travel with them to give value for their money in their low-cost flights (Niththyananthanpara, 2010). Other companies competing against Easyjet in domestic air travel include Jet2, BMI Baby and Ryan Air among others, but with the strategies used by

Friday, October 18, 2019

Essay on Ricardian trade Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

On Ricardian trade - Essay Example On the same basis, England specializes in the production of cloth and imports wine according to the Ricardian model. The amount of wine produced from specialization in Portugal and the free movement of workers to the wine producing industry increases compared to an autarky situation. Cloth production by England also augments due to increased workers and specialization allowing for the fall in prices for both countries. This leads to an increase in the consumption ability of the people in both countries. Trade, therefore, can occur despite one country having absolute advantage in the production of both goods due to the presence of comparative advantage in the production of one good over another. Assumptions of the Ricardian Model include the assumption of perfect competition where there is perfect information, free entry and exit by firms, homogenous output among firms, firms cannot influence output and prices, and the aim of the firms are to maximize profits (Winthrop, 1344). The other assumptions are that there are two goods produced by two countries using one factor of production (labor) that is homogenous and freely moves between industries and that there is full employment. Other assumptions are general equilibrium, industry production of the goods and services, resource constraint and its immobility across countries, and lack of transportation costs for goods and services across countries (Winthrop, 1344). The structure of the Ricardian model is that a country that has comparative advantage in the production of a good specializes in the production of the good for domestic consumption and export while importing the good that it has comparative disadvantage in its production. The other country will specialize in the production of the second good for its domestic consumption and export the extra to the first country getting the supplies of the first good through imports. This results in benefit

KFC and the global fast food industry Term Paper

KFC and the global fast food industry - Term Paper Example KFC is a leading food chain in the world. When it comes to starting a new franchise in a new market, KFC would have to evaluate and analyze number of factors in its external and internal environment. The SWOT analysis for KFC is i. Strengths International recognition Ranked highest among chicken restaurants Unique flavor and recipe ii. Weakness Declining quality due to over franchising Less focus on R&D department Lack of relationship building iii. Opportunity Demographics trends have increased the growth Increased delivery services Updating restaurant and its menu iv. Threats Rapid change in customer demands Health awareness Increased competition PORTER’S VALUE CHAIN Michael Porter has given the concept of value chain in his book â€Å"The Competitive Advantage†. According to Porter, each and every activity and operation adds value to the produced product or service. So, every operation should support each other and should work at an optimum level. Porter suggested tha t organizations have two kinds of activities, â€Å"primary activities† and â€Å"secondary activities† (Overbeck 2009, p.26.). Primary activities: Inbound logistics: Involves obtaining raw material from supplies. KFC should make it clear to its suppliers, regarding the quality and time of delivery. Operations: Raw materials are combined to make the final product. This is the stage, where KFC has to keep check on quality and ingredients. In this stage, KFC can bring changes in its formula. Outbound logistics: Manufactured product is delivered to market. In case of KFC, it will not go to retailer or wholesaler, rather will go directly to costumer. Marketing and Sales: Marketing should be done in accordance to the needs of the end users. KFC should open its franchise in places where there is more demand, like near residential areas or in parks. Services: The services should include after sales services. KFC should provide services like feedback and royalty cards etc. to its regular users Support Activities: Procurement: The raw material acquired by KFC, should be properly accessed by KFC in order to assure best quality at best price. Technology development: The technology use can help KFC in maintaining the inventory record, sales, employee salary and attendance, and many other things. Human resource management: KFC has to recruit best available employees for its company, in order to deliver consistent quality to its consumer. Firm infrastructure: Organization structure matters a lot when it comes to adding value to the organization. KFC has to enforce and embrace a structure and culture that favors two way communications between employer and employee. b) Use Porter?s Five Forces framework to critically evaluate the opportunities and threats that faced KFC Corporation from the mid – 1990s to the year 2000. PORTER FIVE FORCE MODEL Michael Porter’s model has focused on how the corporate strategy should meet the opportunities and threats in corporation’s external environment. Porter has given 5 forces, on the basis of which a company can analyze its industry and market competition. These five forces are as follows: (Kurtz, MacKenzie&Snow, 2009) Bargaining power of suppliers: The supplies mean every kind of input that will help the organization in providing best products and services. The bargaining power of suppliers is high when suppliers are few and have a significant market share, and when cost of switching

You can choose any question but it should be about GLOBALIZATION AND Essay

You can choose any question but it should be about GLOBALIZATION AND TECHNOLOGY ,COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA - Essay Example owever, let it not be also taken for granted that globalization paved the way for the emergence of highly-defined technologies which, in the long run, catered for the sophistication of the structures and for the relatively higher degree of productivity with the functions in the different fortes of society. Hence, this account aims not only to identify the existing relationships among two variables—globalization and technology—alone but also to examine the effects of globalization and technology to more extensive areas, specifically media and communications. This idea, moreover, is conceived prior to the practically recognized fact that today’s century is the epoch which is highly driven by the struggle for the acquisition of information; and that the requisite for such acquisition is basically through getting hold of the communications and media systems around the globe. As one article had put it, globalization opened the gates for the development of â€Å"Information Highways,† which permitted the fast exchange of information and which provided passages for communication around the globe (Asilo, 2007). This account, moreover, includes the examination of the different relationships posited by the different variables concerned. Such relationship is identified so as to provide a link of interconnectivity between the variables concerned, which, as it would be presented in the proceeding discussions, would create a domino effect of impacts on each other. The topic to which this account is to begin with, moreover, is on the basic notions of globalization and technology, as its prime vehicle—as these two concepts tend to perform with one another side by side. There is a significant relationship that exists between technology and globalization—the former exhibits an important role in the development of the latter (Schaeffer, 2003). In fact, the process of globalization and the development of technology through times go hand in hand—globalization creates

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Higher Certificate Golf Management Graded Unit Case Study Essay

Higher Certificate Golf Management Graded Unit Case Study - Essay Example ublished rules: golfing matches and their popularity were still played using all manner of improvised equipments, on public lands with bets becoming a salient feature. It was not uncommon for the matches to be followed by festive group drinking and unrestrained celebratory outcomes on the course. Thus the character of golf remained without significant impact that the rules were meant to bring. In 1783 a significant transformation nonetheless appeared to change the face of golf. A reference to etiquette for the very first time in history, â€Å"While a stroke is playing none of the party shall walk about, by speaking or otherwise† (The rules of golf,1783),was inserted by the Society of golfers even though other existing clubs such as St Andrews, Leith, Bruntsfield and Crail not doing so. By 1810 the Glascow Golf Club took it a notch higher by expanding the etiquette code through stating that, â€Å"Every member who is a player, that is who has played twice during the season, shall make a match on the day when the club is played for, and play for it under the penalty of a bottle of rum (The rules of Golf, 1810).Slowly golf was transforming in perceptions of manners and was as a result getting socially perceived as a sport for social improvement. Following, rules were made that in the same lines of etiquette that demanded attendants to keep quiet, to walk after the p layers and refrain from removing objects from the course. These rules were to be adopted by other clubs as time went by, even though some other clubs not mentioning about behavior in their respective rules until the late 19th century when the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews instituted a unifying code (Wallenfeldt,:83). (b)The earliest playing instrument was known as Scottish Cleek, a long wooden club. The ball was known as the feather ball. In 1842 appeared the forerunner known as the gutta-perch ball which was impervious to rain and damp thus it extended the playing seasons from dry cold months to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cases Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cases Analysis - Research Paper Example The prime role of the central reservation offices is to handle all calls coming from customers. The hotel call centers primarily handle calls regarding rooms’ reservations. Hotel call centers primarily serve the clients seeking for services from hotel chain companies. The central reservation office therewith provides the hotel reservation voice services on a continuous basis. It restores the customer’s feedbacks and provides accurate support to the customers too (Naveed, 2012). To improve hotel positioning, the hotel call centers should need to implement few strategies that can support it to increase its market share. Every individual hotel should suggestively try to establish its own call centre for promoting its business. Every hotel should also develop its own circuit for providing better customer services. Additionally, persons who have been appointed for voice processes are needed to be acquainted with the knowledge of several languages for services in international market. 2. Currently, the hospitality business has gained immense popularity among a large number people. After experiencing the success in leisure online travel market, the Online Travel Agencies (OTA) is observed to drive this success to a larger realm in the business industry. It is also noteworthy that the US travel agencies, such as American Express Travels as well as Carlson Wagonlit Travel have gained huge profit due to the establishment of online facilities. Those online travel agencies have expanded their business from traditional level to a large travel management companies, as observable in the current phenomenon. Moreover, few leisure sites, such as Expedia as well as Travelocity have also developed their sister sites for serving the business travelers. Currently, OTA services have been expanded to the cruise line industry besides making technology innovation to sustain in the global domain. Online marketing in the cruise line tourism industry is

Higher Certificate Golf Management Graded Unit Case Study Essay

Higher Certificate Golf Management Graded Unit Case Study - Essay Example ublished rules: golfing matches and their popularity were still played using all manner of improvised equipments, on public lands with bets becoming a salient feature. It was not uncommon for the matches to be followed by festive group drinking and unrestrained celebratory outcomes on the course. Thus the character of golf remained without significant impact that the rules were meant to bring. In 1783 a significant transformation nonetheless appeared to change the face of golf. A reference to etiquette for the very first time in history, â€Å"While a stroke is playing none of the party shall walk about, by speaking or otherwise† (The rules of golf,1783),was inserted by the Society of golfers even though other existing clubs such as St Andrews, Leith, Bruntsfield and Crail not doing so. By 1810 the Glascow Golf Club took it a notch higher by expanding the etiquette code through stating that, â€Å"Every member who is a player, that is who has played twice during the season, shall make a match on the day when the club is played for, and play for it under the penalty of a bottle of rum (The rules of Golf, 1810).Slowly golf was transforming in perceptions of manners and was as a result getting socially perceived as a sport for social improvement. Following, rules were made that in the same lines of etiquette that demanded attendants to keep quiet, to walk after the p layers and refrain from removing objects from the course. These rules were to be adopted by other clubs as time went by, even though some other clubs not mentioning about behavior in their respective rules until the late 19th century when the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews instituted a unifying code (Wallenfeldt,:83). (b)The earliest playing instrument was known as Scottish Cleek, a long wooden club. The ball was known as the feather ball. In 1842 appeared the forerunner known as the gutta-perch ball which was impervious to rain and damp thus it extended the playing seasons from dry cold months to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Irish Stereotyping In The Late 1800’s Essay Example for Free

Irish Stereotyping In The Late 1800’s Essay Published in Puck, America’s first successful comedic magazine containing several types of cartoons, on June 26, 1889 a cartoon entitled â€Å"The Mortar Of Assimilation And The One Element That Just Won’t Mix† clearly shows an Irishman rebelling against the rest of the American crowd with a knife in his hand, expressing violence, and possibly alcoholism. Through further research I found that how poorly the Irish were treated during this time period. The cartoon â€Å"The Mortar Of Assimilation And The One Element That Just Won’t Mix† expresses the idea Irishmen just do not belong in America, despite the several other races intertwined into our country. This cartoon brings me to the question; Why? Why were the Irish labeled as such outcasts? I have discovered three main reasons to answer this question: The Irish were labeled as violent, drunk, and having strange religious views. One clear reason the Irish were labeled as outcasts is because of the violence they were stereotyped to portray. The Irishman holding the knife in the cartoon is a perfect example of this. The Fenian brotherhood was a group with one main goal to obtain all freedom and become an independent republic of Ireland. For many played the role of motivation in emigrating to the United States, played a large role in this stereotype. One article in particular, entitled â€Å"The Fenians In Ireland† published in The New York Observer And Chronicle on November 23, 1895, articulates a perfect example of the violence portray by the Fenian brotherhood. It wrote: â€Å"The Derry Journal contains the following account of a sense of terror and alarm which occurred in a quiet village, but a few evenings since in consequence of a farmer of reliable veracity knocking up his sleepy neighbors to defend their homes and their firesides against a host of bloodthirsty, who were in march for their well-stocked farmyards. After some delay a great number of the male inhabitants were brought together in a truly warlike style†¦. The supposed Fenians had disappeared leaving the mangled remains of one of their companions behind them.† Another reason the Irish were labeled as outcasts is because of their religion. At this point in history America was made up of mostly Protestants, however the majority of the Irish emigrants were Catholic. Most Irish children were put into parochial schools and religion was placed as a big priority in their lives. The Irish held on tightly to their religious ways, a main reason being that was the one thing that still tied them to their homeland. Roman â€Å"Catholic priests denounce the common schools, and set up their protests in the form of un-American parochial schools.† (The Methodist Review, 5 January 1889) Americans refused to accept this religion due to the differences in their beliefs and practices. Today, Catholicism is one of the United States’ most common religions, with much thanks due to the Irish emigration. . Catholics also weren’t able to run for any political office, so that ruled out most of the Irish population for a great while, until the Know Nothing Act took place and the United States was able to look past religion. â€Å"The curse of the Irishman in America is strong drink.† (The Chautauquan, 8 October 1887) Drinking was a big part of Irish cultures. Even wakes were associated with alcohol due to the celebration of the deceased’s life. Americans feared their mostly Protestant nation would soon die out if the mostly Catholic Irish all emigrated to the United States, another reason why the Irish were not treated fairly. Not only were the Irish viewed as hot-headed violent, people with strange religious views, they were also known to be unskilled and drunk. Americans viewed Irish as alcoholics due to the drinking that is weaved into their culture and ways of living. Much like our culture does today, Irish drank in several difference social settings, although the y did drink alcohol at someone’s wake before the funeral, which may have been what disgusted Americans the most. Americans saw alcohol has ruling over the Irish and they were merely the slaves. One should also note, this was during the time of the ban of alcohol in the United States, so to see one consuming alcohol at such high rates was highly alarming and it would not be long for one to create a bad reputation because of something so simple. Due to this, Americans also stereotyped the Irish to be unskilled and lazy, at times signs were even put into windows stating things such as, â€Å"Irish need not apply.† At this point in history, Irish were viewed much similarly to African Americans when it came to respect. Over time, the Irish were able to keep their customs without encountering further confrontation, and the United States was able to run as one country under many different religions and customs as it does today. Catholics were able to run for office and Catholicism soon became one of the United States’ top most common religions. The Irish were looked down upon by Americans for three main reasons; they were stereotyped to be violent, drunk, and had different religious views which were frowned upon by the Americans. The Fenian brotherhood played a big role in the Irish being stereotyped as violent. At times, it is possible Irishmen were stereotyped to be violent because they were also known to be drunks. The Irish were known to be drunks because of the drinking that is associated with their culture. The Irish emigration to America had a lasting effect on everyone that was a part of the country, without the Irish emigration to the United States, America would not be what it is today, with a beautiful mix of races, religions, and beliefs.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Emotional Intelligence And Healthcare Leadership

Emotional Intelligence And Healthcare Leadership Development of emotional intelligence in healthcare has been slower to progress than in other industries. This paper defines emotional intelligence and describes benefits related to developing the attributes of emotional intelligence. It explores physician, clinical, ancillary, and administrative use cases documenting the benefits of implementing emotional intelligence awareness. In addition, it describes how emotional intelligence can positively impact healthcare executives in leading their organizations to retain talent, improve patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes. Emotional Intelligence Healthcare Leadership A lot of research has been conducted on the topic of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the capacity for effectively recognizing and managing our own emotions and those of others (Pharmaceutical Information, 2007). The Harvard Business Review (HBR) released a number of articles which examine emotional intelligence. As described in the HBR article What Makes a Leader there are five key components to emotional intelligence including knowing ones emotions (Self-Awareness), managing ones emotions (Self-Regulation), motivating self (Motivation), recognizing the emotions of others on the team (Empathy), and developing / handling relationships (Social Skills), (Goldman 2004). Publication of emotional intelligence research started in 1990 and since that time companies have been working to integrate emotional intelligence into their employee selection processes (Freedman 2010). This work started in non-healthcare related industries and is increasingly stressed in healthcare beh avioral development today. In an article by the journal BMC Medical Education, Emotional Intelligence is the set of abilities (verbal and nonverbal) that enable a person to generate, recognize, express, understand, and evaluate their own, and others, emotions in order to guide thinking and action that successfully cope with environmental demands and pressures(Birks, Mckendree, Watt 2009). Are emotional intelligence attributes just a performance metric fad utilized by senior leadership to stimulate change within the organization? Or does it lead to enhanced effectiveness of healthcare executives and the organizations they lead? One of the reasons emotional intelligence is critical to success is that it is effective in handling stress. Healthcare is a multifaceted, evolving and stressful environment. Managing the stress of change management in healthcare is a skill that healthcare leaders must acknowledge. A study was performed at a large urban hospital with professional midwives and obstetricians. It found that emotional intelligence is predictive of performance 66 percent of the time, of stress up to 24 percent and of stress management 6.5 percent of the time. This study found in examining senior leadership in relation to the focus group that emotional intelligence made the biggest difference in the supervisory and leadership roles (Freeman 2010). This provides indication that emotional intelligence actually is more important to recognize as one is in transition to higher management and leadership levels. Another study performed indicated that emotional intelligence can actually be improved throughout life. The study focused on supporting staff of a large healthcare center. It utilized an emotional intelligence test focusing on emotional sensitivity, maturity, and competence. This study measured the ability to respond to interpretation of human expressions with empathy and scored competency of self-control against age / maturity. Findings revealed that maturity of emotional regulation tends to be after the age of forty and that emotional sensitivity grows with experience (ie. age) as well. The study also found a significant difference in the perception of emotion intelligence between gender showing that both men and women have equal ability to increase emotional intelligence but that women tended to be stronger than men as it relates to empathy and self-regulation (Freeman 2010). This provides evidence that emotional intelligence is learned with experiences. Therefore healthcare leade rs can influence supporting staffs development of emotional intelligence in handling operational stress management. It is important to ensure the development concentrates on the right part of the brain to achieve successful results. Emotional intelligence training must focus on the limbic system which requires motivation, extended practice and feedback on behalf of the student to advance capabilities (Goleman 2004). Healthcare leaders need to recognize the importance of emotional intelligence competency in order to make it a part of their organizations culture. There are a number of case examples showing that healthcare executives believe that their own development of emotional intelligence is imperative to successful implementation of initiatives for their organization. For example in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine designed an exploratory study in order compare leaders and physician perspectives with respect to required leadership qualities. The purpose of the study was to gauge what is necessary to develop current and future leaders. This study centered on leaders that expressed interest in gaining new academics and leadership skills. They structured interviews to gather data from leaders and found that both developmental and established leaders agreed that knowledge, people skills, emotional intelligence and vision are all characteris tics required for leaders to be successful. The interviews indicated that healthcare poses unique leadership challenges and the complexity of healthcare institutions is greater than other industries with respect to training. Physicians tend to be far less willing to receive direction and collaborate on training necessitating the need for healthcare leaders to possess mature emotional intelligence skills; especially in areas such as empathy, self-awareness and self-restraint. The study provided evidence that leaders need and desire emotional intelligence training. Healthcare leaders admitted in the interviews that often one is promoted based upon academic and clinical accomplishments. Therefore they lack and desire training in other skilled leadership competencies such as emotional intelligence. The leaders agreed that knowledge is important however 70 percent stated that emotional intelligence was the most admired attribute (Taylor, Taylor, Staller 2008). Healthcare leaders agree that emotional intelligence is important element for leadership. But there is also evidence that leaders should promote development of emotional intelligence for their clinicians as well. A study published in the March 2011 issue of Academic Medicine highlighted a study performed by Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University. It was established in order to quantify if there is a relationship between physician empathy and clinical patient outcomes. Researchers measured 29 physicians associated with 891 diabetic patients by utilizing the Jefferson Scale of Empathy as an instrument to measure empathy. The scale rated and provided a physician score on their empathy awareness based on the context that patient care requires a cognitive attribute that involves understanding and intention to help. After scoring the physicians empathy skills, the study compared them with the patients ability to control hemoglobin Alc and LDL cholesterol levels. The study concluded that good control of A1c and LDL levels was significantly better with patients associated with physicians having high empathy scores than with patient of physicians with low empathy ratings. This suggests that empathy should be a key component in overall physician competence (Jefferson University Hospitals 2011). As referenced in a research study documented in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM), healthcare policy and practices are trending towards emphasizing the principles of patient-centered care. Providing patient-centered care is a multi-dimensional concept which addresses patients needs for information, views the patient as a whole person, promotes concordance and enhances the professional-patient relationship(Birks Watt 2007). There is a variance in the level of patient-centered care provided by professionals practicing within healthcare organizations. Healthcare executives are therefore interested in ways to improve patient-centered outcomes. Training professional staff on emotional intelligence generates self-confidence, sensitivity to patient needs and trustworthiness. These attributes can actually play a part in improving outcomes (Birks Watt 2007). Evidence of this is documented in JRSM where a study involving 30 physicians and 138 patients provided evidence that emotional intelligence plays a role in patient satisfaction. An extensive study involving 213 dental students found that perceived stress is lower when the student possesses higher emotional intelligence scores. Decreasing stress levels help to retain talent and quality nursing staff is extremely important in patient-centered care. A correlation between low emotional intelligence scores and nursing burnout and attrition was found based on study conducted on 380 nurses. It indicated that emotional intelligence can improve the working relationships within the healthcare culture; increasing the likelihood of retaining talent (Birks Watt 2007) A Clinical Connections journal article written by Erik Swensson, MD, FACS agrees with the premise that emotional intelligence improves healthcare culture. He emphasizes the continual challenge for physicians and leadership professionals to routinely coach and hold peers accountable. The article stresses the need for professionals to possess emotional intelligence skills involving self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Healthcare professionals need to move away from protecting our own and towards helping our own, he stated. Emotional intelligence establishes a foundation for building a caring environment and establishing a culture of collaborative safety (Swensson 2012). The International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine and Public Health suggests that making emotional intelligence a core competency for the healthcare professional will result in enhancing clinician-patient relationships. Patients feeling empowered, knowledgeable and in control of their healthcare tend to make healthy lifestyle modifications. Clinicians whom are trained in emotional intelligence skills can help patients with self-awareness, self-regulation, and motivation. This requires time to listen to patient concerns (ie. empathy). Enhanced relationships will thereby result in an increase in desirable health outcomes (Coelho 2012). Cultivating the patient-clinician relationship may affect a patients emotional intelligence on initiating legal action against providers because the patient is part of the care solution and overall more satisfied with the care provided. Research indicates that more satisfied patients are the less likely they are to take legal actio n. Therefore cultivating emotional intelligence may be a mechanism towards a reduction in healthcare legal cases and costs associated. Todays healthcare environment demands pay for performance. Healthcare executives need to expand their overall emotional intelligence competencies in order to recognize and expect these attributes in leaders and clinical professionals within their organization. Executives have to establish and take ownership for their culture. In doing so they must consistently demonstrate the leadership qualities they expect to be exhibited by their administrative and clinical staff. As evidenced in the studies described above executives will benefit by investing in their own emotional intelligence education and should extend it to all levels within their organization. Doing so will provide a caring culture, reducing healthcare costs, retaining talent, and motivating clinicians to provide excellence in patient care.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The New Immigration in American History :: American America History

The New Immigration in American History In 1886 the statue of "Liberty Enlightening the World," a gift from the people of France, was dedicated by President Grover Cleveland. Set at the entrance to New York, the statue was just in time to greet the biggest migration in global history. Between 1880 and World War I, about 22 million men, women, and children entered the United States. More than a million arrived in each of the years 1905, 1906, 1907, 1910, 1913, and 1914. Not everyone had to travel in steerage. Passengers who could afford the expense paid for first- or second-class quarters. Upon arrival these immigrants were examined by courteous officials who boarded the ships at anchor. But those in steerage were sent to a holding center for a full physical and mental examination. The facility at Ellis Island which opened in 1892 could process up to 5,000 people a day. On some days between 1905 and 1914 it had to process more than 10,000 immigrants a day. Many arrivals had left their homelands to escape mobs who attacked them because of their ethnicity, religion, or politics. The German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman (Turkish) empires ruled over many different peoples and nationalities and often cruelly mistreated them. Until 1899, U.S. immigration officials asked arrivals which nation they had left, not their religion or ancestry. So oppressed people were listed under the countries from which they fled. Armenians who escaped from Turkey were recorded as Turks, and Jews who had been beaten by mobs in Russia were listed as Russians. This so called "new immigration" was different in many other ways from previous immigration. For the first time, Catholic an Jewish immigrants outnumbered Protestants, and still other arrivals were Muslims, Buddhists, or Greek or Russian Orthodox church members. Until 1897, 90 percent of all overseas immigrants had come from Protestant northern and western Europe. Many of these nations had democratic traditions and education systems. Even among the poor, many had spent a few years in school or had acquired some industrial skills on the job, and more than a few spoke English. Many of these men and women settled in agriculture regions of the Untied States.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Oppressed People of Burma Essay -- Essays Papers

The Oppressed People of Burma Burma, like many other Southeast Asian nations, is a land of much culture and diversity of ethnic groups. Unfortunately, unlike the people of other nations, the people of Burma have been stripped of their human rights. Since the military junta had overtaken the Burmese government in 1988, the people of Burma have been among the most oppressed people in the world. The continuation of the government’s brutality has caught the attention of many outside nations around the world who increasingly have been intervening in Burma’s issues to help its people. As these occurrences are a major issue for the people of Burma, these problems are not restricted to its boundaries. They are also becoming a problem for some of Burma’s neighboring countries such as Thailand. With a quick look at current events, it is clear that the oppression of the native people in Burma is still in its most intensive state. But first, an introduction of Burma’s background will spark interest as to how a culturally rich country could turn into a land full of people in search of their basic human right -- freedom. Burma is considered the land of rice and teak wood, in addition to its being rich in many other natural resources. The official language is Burmese and the major religions include Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. A population of 49.5 million inhabits the land, in a 261,789 square mile area. The ethnic composition consists of the Burmans, the Shans, the Karns, the Mons, the Chins, the Kachins, as well as a significant population of Indians and Chinese who have migrated from their respective homelands. (Compton’s Encyclopedia) Three-quarters of the population live in rural areas. In recent decades, Burma has bee... ... Larry. â€Å"ASEAN under pressure to use its influence.† Bangkok Post. 15 May 2003. 21 May 2003. http://www.bangkokpost.com/150503_News/15May2003_news24.html Mydans, Seth. â€Å"Officials in Burma deny that dissident was hurt.† International Herald Tribune. 4 June 2003. 4 June 2003. http://www.iht.com/articles/98436.html Srivalo, Piyanart. â€Å"Drugs to top Thai-Burma talks.† Asian Tribune. 30 December 2003. 14 May 2003. http://www.asiantribune.com/show_news.php?id=1745 Tammachatwichit, Tavorn. â€Å"The Pipeline.† 17 May 2003. http://www.ibiblio.org/freeburma/boycott/oil/pipeline2.html The Nation, â€Å"Door to shut on refugees.† Asian Tribune. 20 December 2002. 14 May 2003. http://www.asiantribune.com/show_news.php?id=1748 Theparat, Chatrudee. â€Å"Thailand to unveil hub aim at summit.† Bangkok Post. 5 May 2003. 21 May 2003. http://www.bangkokpost.com/050503_Business/05May2003_biz45.html

Friday, October 11, 2019


American Association of Medical Assistants Jennifer Lingler LIBS 100: Information Literacy Bryant & Stratton April 14, 2010 Introduction As a result of the expanding healthcare industry, technological advances in medicine, and increased number of elderly in the United States, medical assisting is one of the nation’s fastest growing careers. The extensive and unique knowledge of a medical assistant is in demand more than ever. It is imperative that a medical assistant is knowledgeable and current about changes in the healthcare field. It is also important that a medical assistant’s rights to practice are protected on the job. The American Association of Medical Assistants (or AAMA) is an organization that was created to aid and support medical assistants working in the healthcare field (AAMA, 2010). Any individual interested in a career in medical assisting would benefit from becoming a member of this organization. Mission and Purpose The AAMA is the only organization created solely for the medical assisting profession. The mission of the American Association of Medical Assistants is to enable medical assisting professionals to enhance and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and professionalism required by employers and patients; protect medical assistants' right to practice; and promote effective, efficient health care delivery through optimal use of the CMA (AAMA)† (AAMA, 2010). The AAMA was created for medical assistant students, practicing medical assistants, and medical assistant educators (AAMA, 2 010). Local AAMA Chapter The AAMA was created in 1955 and has grown to include over 325 local chapters throughout a total of 43 states (AAMA, 2010). One local Ohio chapter of the AAMA is the Ohio State Society of Medical Assistants. In 1956, four Ohio medical assistants attended an AAMA meeting in Kansas City, Kansas. Although there were three existing Ohio chapters, these women had a desire to form an organization that would be a part of the AAMA. Meetings were held from April seventeenth through April twenty-eighth of nineteen fifty-seven. After two days of deliberations the Ohio State Society of Medical Assistants was created. The OSSMA would then be approved by the AAMA on June eighth of nineteen fifty-eight (OSSMA, 2010). Membership A medical assistant graduate from an accredited school is eligible for membership with the AAMA. The graduate must fill out an application with the AAMA and pay an enrollment fee of one-hundred and twenty-five dollars. According to the AAMA, â€Å"The Certification Department will inform you of your application status within 30 days of the date you mailed your application†¦. After your application has been approved and processed, you will receive a scheduling permit approximately three weeks prior to your testing start date with instructions for making an appointment at a Prometric test center in your area. The exam may be taken throughout the year† (2010). Upon passing the exam, a medical assistant can expect to receive an official certificate and AAMA card (AAMA, 2010) The AAMA requires members to recertify every sixty months. Recertification may be obtained through further education or examination. Recertification will cost an AAMA member two-hundred and fifty dollars (AAMA, 2010) Benefits There are numerous benefits available to AAMA members. The first benefit is a subscription to CMA Today. AAMA member receive this bimonthly publication automatically when they become members. CMA Today â€Å"provides educational articles, current medical news, health policy updates, and association happenings† (AAMA, 2010). AAMA members also receive discounts on AAMA self-study courses and conference workshops which can be useful educational tool throughout their medical assisting career. Low member rates are also available for credit cards, loans, and insurance to AAMA members. The greatest benefit for an AAMA member is the opportunity to communicate, share information, and network with other medical assistants in the health care industry (AAMA, 2010). Conclusion The American Association of Medical Assistants is the only organization created solely for the medical assisting profession. Any individual interested in a medical assisting career would benefit from becoming a member of this organization. The American Association of Medical Assistants official website states it best, â€Å"When you join the AAMA you are investing in your career and your future. And, you are strengthening an association that has your professional interests at heart† (AAMA, 2010). References American Association of Medical Assistants. (2010). AAMA Mission Statement. Retrieved from http://www. aama-ntl. org/about/mission. spx American Association of Medical Assistants. (2010). AAMA Services. Retrieved from http://www. aama-ntl. org/about/services. aspx American Association of Medical Assistants. (2010). How to Become a CMA (AAMA). Retrieved from http://www. aama-ntl. org/becomeCMA/how. aspx American Association of Medical Assistants. (2010). What is a CMA (AAMA)? Retrieved from http://www. aama-ntl. org/about/what_is_a_cma. aspx Ohio State Society of Medical Assistants. (2010). OSSMA History. Retrieved from http://www. ossma. org/historyofOSSMA. html

Thursday, October 10, 2019

In his articles, Zinsser takes a negative view of the college Essay

Pressures that an individual feels affect his disposition towards life. The pressure may be taken as positive or negative depending on the weight it brings a person. Most of the time pressures are viewed to bring about negative effect to the person but some just do not realize that it is the pressure felt by an individual which motivates him to finish a goal. For example, a student is pressured to finish his assignment that is about to be due and if he is not able to finish it, he will be able to receive a low mark. The student then strives hard to finish that assignment on time so that he will not be given low mark by his professor. Sometimes, pressure may also cause a student to do the assignment for the sake of doing it because if he does not submit the assignment on time, he will be able to get a low mark. In short, pressures also bring about negative outputs. In the essay by Zinsser, he had taken a negative view of the college pressures he identified. He identified pressures such as economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure, and self-induced pressure. He had discussed that this college pressures had been a hindrance for the college students to enjoy their peer activities, to choose their own college courses to pursue and to do whatever things they find interesting and more enjoyable to do. The pressures he had identified are considered as hindrance for the students to pursue their chosen dreams. He discussed that the pressures had been affecting the students but he didn’t realize that these pressure in the long run will be viewed as valuable for the student. The pressure which Zinsser considered as problems and hindrances for student s will be an important aspect in realizing their true dreams. Economic pressures of the society today should not be viewed negatively or as a hindrance that could consummate a college student who is trying hard to be able to finish his college studies. Otherwise, economic pressures such as the increasing trends of insurances, postage, oils, cost of boarding and tuition fees. Instead of viewing the pressures negatively, the students should be able to consider it as a challenge that they should be able to get through in order to survive in the world where they chose to live. Economic pressures serve as a challenge for the college students to try harder in pursuing their dreams to come true. Yes, it is very true that the economic pressure nowadays greatly affects the situation of the students who are financially unstable but it should not be considered a hindrance for them to pursue whatever they aim to achieve in life. As the competition for scholarships and grants is becoming very tougher and tougher nowadays because of economic deficits felt by large companies, it is really hard to secure one in order to continue studying for college. However, securing a scholarship or grant for a student who really needs to get a scholarship will not be difficult if he have a strong drive or motivation. Nothing is impossible for a person who is really interested and who is really motivated to achieve a goal. Students who are not financially unstable don’t experience the economic pressure that is experienced by the students who are financially constrained. They are more affected with the pressures they feel from their parents. Parents of these students decide that their children must enroll to a law school or a medical school. The reason behind these is that they wanted to make sure that their children get the best education in order for them to have a secured future. Secured future for them is enrolling in a law school or a medical school because these field of education promises large lump of money. Although some people have a negative view towards the pressures a child receive from his parents, these pressures still could cause good effects to the children in the long run. If we make an analysis, in the short run, the pressures that parents give their children may not provide good impacts to them but in the long run, it will be able to do them good. Why? In the long run, the children will little by little accept the fate that their parents had given them and will eventually provide them good results. The student may not be really interested in the field that his parents like him to pursue but as he goes along the way, he will eventually mature and will realize that his parents want him to have the best education for him to be able to have a secured future. As he matures, he will then realize that he is more than fortunate that his parents could provide him the best education they could ever offer unlike the unfortunate children that need to work in order to go to school. Because of the decision his parents made for him when he entered college, he then realizes that the pressures his parents had given him had offered him positive results and it did not turned out to have caused him negative results. Self induced pressure should also be viewed as a valuable and important thing in the building the future of a student. In school, he is pressured to do surpass the efforts that his classmates exert to be able to get high marks. Studying hard as well as exerting so much effort in school is a good trait a student must possess. The students learn in a way that he also has exerted effort. In this case, after graduating, he will be ready to surpass all the pressures of his work. He will not have the feeling of difficulty because he had been equipped with the right knowledge he gained when he was studying. Peer pressures felt by a student is also a valuable thing that he could use when he will seek his first job in the future. Pressure from peer is compared to the pressure that he will feel when he is already employed and will tae orders from his boss. At first, pressures given by peers to a student is not beneficial because it distracts the concentration of the student in studying but eventually in the long run, he will be able to get used in the pressures he feels from his peers. In this way, pressures from work in the long run will not be considered as a hindrance from him to also excel in his work in the future. He had been trained with the pressures his friends had given him and in return, the pressures of his work in the future will not be a problem anymore because he will deal it with enthusiasm. Pressures that a student undergoes during a certain part of his life particularly in his college life are very important and valuable. They should not be viewed negatively because it is a process wherein training is executed. The student is trained to become a real equipped person to be battling in the future in his work as well as in his own life and family. If in his college life, he had been used to pressure, the pressures he will be undergoing in the future will not be a burden for him to succeed instead, it will be regarded as a challenge that is to be solved with patience and perseverance. Works Cited: Zinsser. William (1978). College Pressures. The Norton Reader. Norton-Simon Publishing.